Asphalt Blogs
Blogging is one of the oldest forms of digital content, and there are those who feel that it is an outdated method. However, they are mistaken. Every month, about 70 million new posts appear on the internet. In fact, blogging is part of the marketing strategy of approximately 90% of all companies with an online presence. This includes paving contractors who use asphalt blogs for multiple purposes.
How Do Contractors Use Asphalt Blogs?
One important way that contractors use blogs is to educate potential clients. For example, asphalt sealcoating blogs can explain the benefits of sealcoating or the procedure they will follow. A blog for asphalt maintenance companies might cover the different procedures, the benefits of each, or the risks of ignoring maintenance. Asphalt paving blogs could cover the recommended asphalt depth, define specific terms, or explore the different types of mixes available.
What Are the Benefits of Asphalt Blogs?
Blogs help you establish your industry expertise, engage potential customers, and build awareness of your company. They help position you as a helpful, accurate, and expert provider of information. By optimizing your blog, you are also increasing your visibility and boosting your rankings in the search engines. The comments people leave on your posts can also help you better understand what they need and want from an asphalt contractor.
What Are Some Key Points to Remember When Crafting Blogs for Asphalt Maintenance or Paving?
At Walkie Talkie, we consider many different factors when creating blogs for our clients. Here are just a few of them.
- Your blogs should have a specific target audience. We help you create customer personas that give insights into the topics, keywords, and tone that will be the most effective.
- We carefully research the search terms that people enter when they are searching for the services you provide. Inserting relevant keywords in your blog helps searchers find you, but it can also enhance your search engine rankings.
- It is vital to consider the experience that your visitors will have when they read your blog posts. You have only a few seconds to capture the reader’s attention, so you want to lead with what journalists call a hook. That is, you want to engage them quickly so that they will keep reading.
- Long, unbroken blocks of text are undesirable. People tend to scan asphalt blogs to extract the content they are seeking as quickly as possible. Headers, short paragraphs, lists, and similar methods of breaking the content into scannable sections are better.
- Many people overlook the importance of the URL when creating blog posts. The URL on each post should contain at least one keyword to ensure its relevancy to a search term. For example, two asphalt sealcoating blogs might have the following
SealcoatingBenefits/Blog or
Walkie Talkie focuses on marketing strategies for paving professionals across America. With more than 36 years of experience in the asphalt industry, we are uniquely positioned to understand your needs and challenges. In addition to creating asphalt blogs, we design asphalt websites, social media marketing campaigns, and AdWords and PPC campaigns. We also offer search engine optimization and asphalt content. Contact us for a free quote by filling out the online form, calling (833) 848-8200, or emailing