For the most part, this has been a good year for 2023! But, it’s not too early to start thinking about 2024, and what the economy will look like? ⠀
In today’s digital landscape, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses. By effectively utilizing digital marketing strategies, like SEO, an impressive asphalt website, or PPC, you can gain a competitive advantage over competitors who may not be utilizing digital marketing to its full potential. Believe me…there are many asphalt contractors that are behind the curve! ⠀
In 2023, the majority of people are doing a Google search for services and products. Is your company showing up on the first page of the website? Potential clients will look at three of your competitors, is your website the most impressive? Visual appeal, user-friendly, engaging content, and Blogs? ⠀
Don’t let your competitor get ahead of you for 2024!⠀
Walkie Talkie is a niche company that only works with asphalt paving, asphalt maintenance, and parking lot striping contractors. We have 36 years of asphalt experience, and 16 years doing SEO, Google Adwords, asphalt websites, and paving content.⠀
Contact us today at or call us at 833-848-8200.